Hi there!

I am currently a PhD candidate in Carrie Wessinger’s lab at the University of South Carolina where I study the evolution of personate flowers in Penstemon.

Please check out my research page to learn more about my work and feel free to contact me with any questions!

I have several hobbies that occupy my free time!

  • I like to search for and photograph wildflowers (check out some of my photos).

  • I also ride horses - a sport that I have participated in since I was 9 years old.

  • I like to bake treats for my friends and lab mates.

  • Finally, I have three orange cats that I spend a lot of time with each day! Their names are Honey Bee, Wall-e, and Sunfyre. I rescued Honey Bee during my first year of graduate school and the “cat crew” has continued growing since.